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Jim Kirkwood’s Blog

  • Jim Kirkwood’s Blog – 2020 most influential year

    Jim Kirkwood’s Blog – 2020 most influential year

    2020… the year that was… In January 2020 TTC Group issued a white paper centred on ‘transformational change’ – little did they know at the time just how pertinent that theme was going to be for the year ahead. Without doubt 2020 has been a challenging year both personally and professionally for many. TTC Group…

  • Jim Kirkwood’s Blog – Road Safety Personalisation

    Jim Kirkwood’s Blog – Road Safety Personalisation

    TTC Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Jim Kirkwood believes the new-found trust in technology along with a growing awareness in changing human behaviours will serve to heighten the interest in ‘personalisation’ when it comes to road safety for businesses. Here, Jim gives his views on just what that might mean and how it can be achieved.…

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group